

You can follow a healthy lifestyle, eating nutrient-rich foods and getting regular exercise, and still be stuck with nagging areas of fat that just won’t go away. That’s when you need liposuction to permanently remove those pockets of fat. Dr. David Creech, combines his exceptional surgical skill with artistic talent, using liposuction to produce the body shape that meets your goals. To schedule a consultation, call the office today.

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What is Liposuction surgery?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve body shape by removing unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Liposuction is commonly used on the abdomen, buttocks, cheeks, chin, hips, knees, neck, thighs, and upper arms. The procedure is often performed along with other procedures, such as abdominoplasty or facelift surgery.

The best candidate for liposuction is a person who is physically healthy and of normal weight but with areas of excess fat that are resistant to regular diet and exercise. Patients should also be psychologically stable and have realistic expectations of what the procedure can offer. Patients with firm, elastic skin tend to achieve the best results, while older patients with diminished skin elasticity may not achieve the same results as younger patients.

Liposuction can successfully improve the shape of the body and, like many cosmetic procedures; it may improve one’s self-confidence as well. After surgery, you’re likely to discover you’re able to wear a wide variety of clothing than before. Liposuction is not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet. By following a healthy diet and exercise regime, you can help to maintain your liposuction results.

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Watch Dr. Creech explain this procedure.

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How does Liposuction surgery work?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve body shape by removing unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Liposuction is commonly used on the abdomen, buttocks, cheeks, chin, hips, knees, neck, thighs, and upper arms. The procedure is often performed along with other procedures, such as abdominoplasty or facelift surgery.

The best candidate for liposuction is a person who is physically healthy and of normal weight but with areas of excess fat that are resistant to regular diet and exercise. Patients should also be psychologically stable and have realistic expectations of what the procedure can offer. Patients with firm, elastic skin tend to achieve the best results, while older patients with diminished skin elasticity may not achieve the same results as younger patients.

Liposuction can successfully improve the shape of the body and, like many cosmetic procedures; it may improve one’s self-confidence as well. After surgery, you’re likely to discover you’re able to wear a wide variety of clothing than before. Liposuction is not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet. By following a healthy diet and exercise regime, you can help to maintain your liposuction results.

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What is Liposuction recovery like?

After surgery, you may experience some discomfort, pain, stiffness, burning or temporary numbness. Fluid drainage from the incisions, swelling, and bleeding is also common.

Dr. Creech will prescribe pain medication to help with any pain or discomfort that you feel, as well as antibiotics to prevent infection. Patients should start walking around as soon as possible, or as recommended, to help prevent blood clots in the legs.

A compression garment similar to a girdle is typically worn for several weeks to support the skin and control swelling. Most of the swelling and bruising subsides within three weeks, though some slight swelling can persist for more than six months. You will notice an immediate change in the shape of your body after surgery, though the final results will be apparent when all of the swelling has completely diminished.

The amount of time it takes to recover after liposuction will vary for each patient. Generally, most patients are able to return to work within a few days after surgery, though more strenuous activity will need to be postponed for eight weeks.

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What is liposuction?
Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
What should I expect during liposuction?
What should I expect after liposuction?